Introducing Context Previews - Instantly view the context around data classifications
Company News

A credit card number has been identified in one of your S3 buckets. But how did it get there? And is it a sign of a bigger issue? Teleskope’s newest feature makes it easy to instantly answer those questions, without having to go to the original data source.
Teleskope streamlines data protection, discovering and classifying sensitive data at scale. Now with Context Previews, when you view a data classification you won’t just see the data entity type identified – you can also preview the surrounding context directly within that source.
This enables Teleskope users to:
- Explore their data and get full context on classifications
- Investigate policy violations in real-time, without having to go to the source
Explore your data and view context within the Data Catalog
Instantly validate classifications and understand how they occurred. With Context Previews, you can view the full context of a classification without leaving the Data Catalog. For example, if PII is identified within text data, you can view the surrounding text and evaluate exactly what that PII is, how it ended up in that location, and whether it presents genuine risk.

Investigate policy violations in real-time
When sensitive or personal data is classified, you need more context to determine the risk. Now, Teleskope provides that context without having to go to the data source. Context Previews enable your team to effectively triage potential violations and quickly determine which are high-risk and which are harmless.

Preview context for structured and unstructured data
With Context Previews, you can preview context for classifications of both structured and unstructured data.
- For columnar data, you can view the content of up to 50 rows in the classified column.
- For unstructured data, you can view the content surrounding the classified element.
Context Previews are available for connectors supported by Teleskope spanning columnar data, unstructured or text data, code files, images, messaging, and more. Only admins in the platform can view Context Previews, and you can determine whether admins view the original data or a redacted version.
Context Previews are now available for all Teleskope customers. Schedule a demo to see it in action.
Kyte unlocks the freedom to go places by delivering cars for any trip longer than a rideshare. As part of its goal to re-invent the car rental experience Kyte collects sensitive customer data, including driver’s licenses, delivery and return locations, and payments information. As Kyte continues to expand its customer base and implement new technologies to streamline operations, the challenge of ensuring data security becomes more intricate. Data is distributed across both internal cloud hosting as well as third party systems, making compliance with privacy regulations and data security paramount. Kyte initially attempted to address data labeling and customer data deletion manually, but this quickly became an untenable solution that could not scale with their business. Building such solutions in-house didn’t make sense either, as they would require constant updates to accommodate growing data volumes which would distract their engineers from their primary focus of transforming the rental car experience.
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Continuous Data Discovery and Classification
In order to protect sensitive information, you first need to understand it, so one of Kyte’s primary objectives was to continuously discover and classify their data at scale. To meet this need, Teleskope deployed a single-tenant environment for Kyte, and integrated their third-party saas providers and multiple AWS accounts. Teleskope discovered and crawled Kyte’s entire data footprint, encompassing hundreds of terabytes in their AWS accounts, across a variety of data stores. Teleskope instantly classified Kyte’s entire data footprint, identifying over 100 distinct data entity types across hundreds of thousands of columns and objects. Beyond classifying data entity types, Teleskope also surfaced the data subjects associated with the entities, enabling Kyte to categorize customer, employee, surfer, and business metadata separately. This automated approach ensures that Kyte maintains an up-to-date data map detailing the personal and sensitive data throughout their environment, enabling them to maintain a structured and secure environment.
Securing Data Storage and Infrastructure
Another critical aspect of Kyte’s Teleskope deployment was ensuring the secure storage of data and maintaining proper infrastructure configuration, especially as engineers spun up new instances or made modifications to the underlying infrastructure. While crawling Kyte’s cloud environment, Teleskope conducted continuous analysis of their infrastructure configurations to ensure their data was secure and aligned with various privacy regulations and security frameworks, including CCPA and SOC2. Teleskope helped Kyte identify and fortify unencrypted data stores, correct overly permissive access, and clean up stale data stores that hadn’t been touched in a while. With Teleskope deployed, Kyte’s team will be alerted in real time if one of these issues surfaces again.
End-to-End Automation of Data Subject Rights Requests
Kyte was also focused on streamlining data subject rights (DSR) requests. Whereas their team previously performed this task manually and with workflows and forms, Kyte now uses Teleskope to automate data deletion and access requests across various data sources, including internal data stores like RDS, and their numerous third-party vendors such as Stripe, Rockerbox, Braze, and more. When a new DSR request is received, Teleskope seamlessly maps and identifies the user’s data across internal tables containing personal information, and triggers the necessary access or deletion query for that specific data store. Teleskope also ensures compliance by automatically enforcing the request with third-party vendors, either via API integration or email, in cases where third parties don’t expose an API endpoint.
With Teleskope, Kyte has been able to effectively mitigate risks and ensure compliance with evolving regulations as their data footprint expands. Teleskope reduced operational overhead related to security and compliance by 80%, by automating the manual processes and replacing outdated and ad-hoc scripts. Teleskope allows Kyte’s engineering team to focus on unlocking the freedom to go places through a tech-enabled car rental experience, and helps to build systems and software with a privacy-first mindset. These tangible outcomes allow Kyte to streamline their operations, enhance data security, and focus on building a great, secure product for their customers.

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